Filtering by: “Parties”

Rosenbacchanal 2025
- Rittenhouse Hotel (map)
- Google Calendar ICS
Rosenbacchanal 2025: The Power of the Book will feature a conversation between writer and essayist Adam Gopnik, best known as a staff writer at The New Yorker for the past forty years, and Honoree Arthur Spector, the Rosenbach’s Chair Emeritus. Their discussion will explore the allure, the potency, and the omnipresence of one the most powerful objects the world has ever known: the book.

The Rosenbach Presents | Jane Austen Tea Party in the Rosenbach’s Dining Room | In-Person
- Rosenbach Museum & Library (map)
- Google Calendar ICS
It is a truth universally acknowledged that rare books and afternoon tea make for a delightful combination! Join the Rosenbach Museum & Library for an unforgettable afternoon voyage into the literary world of Jane Austen.

Parties | Delancey Society Spring Soirée | In-Person
- Rosenbach Museum & Library (map)
- Google Calendar ICS
Join the Rosenbach Board and Delancey Society for our festive annual Spring Soirée.