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POSTPONED] [LIMITED SPOTS AVAILABLE] Yoga Workshop: Refuge: Hatha Yoga & Rumi’s The Guest House – A People’s Friend Program

  • 2008 Delancey St Philadelphia, PA (map)


Tuition for this workshop is $20. Members receive exclusive discounts on our programs and courses. Not a member? Learn more.

  • This course is limited to participants who are 18 years of age or older.

  • Please check your spam folder for your email confirmation. If you have questions, please call (215) 732-1600 or email

  • Registration opens for Delancey Society members on Friday, December 6th, for Rosenbach members on Friday, December 20th, and for the general public on Friday, January 3rd. Registration opens at 12:00 p.m. ET. 

This program has been postponed to Sunday, February 2nd at 2:00pm ET. If you are a ticketholder, please check your email for more information. For questions or concerns, please call (215) 732-1600 or email


Give yourself the gift of an hour on your mat, moving mindfully while exploring themes from this popular Rumi poem, including self-awareness, acceptance and gratitude. The gentle flow sequence will be suitable for all levels.  

Image credit: A Mouse and a Frog Near a Pond, illuminated folio of poetry by Rumi, provided to Wikimedia Commons by the by the Walters Art Museum  

February 2

[POSTPONED] [SEATS AVAILABLE] The History and Future of the American Presidency – A People’s Friend Program

February 4

Reading the Harlem Renaissance with Michele Lisa Simms-Burton | Virtual Course