Off the Shelf… Game On!


From 11/25/2018 to 12/08/2019


Match your wits with a giant game board as you learn more about the Rosenbach’s famous acquisitions! From the Bay Psalm Book and Ulysses manuscript to the Dracula notes, Marianne Moore collection, and Gratz family portraits and more, test your knowledge. Then, sit down for a series of more intimate, written conversations with selections from across our collections that have something to say — about their pasts, their owners, collectors, and makers — and join curators and other visitors as we unravel their mysteries.

Exhibition Highlights

Amber Manning

I founded AmberCo. when I was five years old. Over the years, it has offered a variety of services from house cleaning, babysitting, car washing, travel planning, interior design and more. After college, I serendipitously fell into working for a web development company and I never looked back. I am happy that AmberCo. has finally settled on a mission that helps people in a meaningful way. I am also happy that some of the original services AmberCo. offered (cleaning and organizing) have carried through into its current iteration. I have been lucky enough to work for significant nonprofits such as the Sierra Club and the International Committee of the Red Cross and small local companies such as Hinkel Equipment Rental and Indars Stairs. My favorite part of working in technology is finding creative solutions for people and making their day to day work easier.

Medium & Message: The Book Art of Colette Fu and Lothar Meggendorfer


Of Two Minds: Creative Couples in Art and History