Geoffrey Chaucer (ca. 1340–1400), The Canterbury Tales England, ca. 1440–1450 MS 1084/2

Written between 1387 and 1400 by Geoffrey Chaucer, an English royal court poet, The Canterbury Tales legitimized the literary use of Middle English, since most texts at the time were written in Latin. Chaucer is considered the father of English literature. The Canterbury Tales describes the journeys of a group of pilgrims from all levels of medieval society who are traveling to St. Thomas Becket’s shrine in Canterbury. Although there are 24 tales in total, Chaucer never completed The Canterbury Tales and never noted an overall order for the tales. The page displayed here is one of just eleven leaves in the collection of the Rosenbach, which are almost all that remain of the Oxford manuscript. The tales that remain are the Cook’s Tale, the Reeve’s Tale, and the Man of Law’s Tale.

Amber Manning

I founded AmberCo. when I was five years old. Over the years, it has offered a variety of services from house cleaning, babysitting, car washing, travel planning, interior design and more. After college, I serendipitously fell into working for a web development company and I never looked back. I am happy that AmberCo. has finally settled on a mission that helps people in a meaningful way. I am also happy that some of the original services AmberCo. offered (cleaning and organizing) have carried through into its current iteration. I have been lucky enough to work for significant nonprofits such as the Sierra Club and the International Committee of the Red Cross and small local companies such as Hinkel Equipment Rental and Indars Stairs. My favorite part of working in technology is finding creative solutions for people and making their day to day work easier.

Jane Austen (1775–1817), Pride and prejudice: a novel London, 1813 EL3 .A933p v.1


Ignatius Sancho (1729–1780), Letters of the Late Ignatius Sancho, An African, to which are Prefixed, Memoirs of his Life, by Joseph Jekyll, Esq. M.P. London: William Sancho, 1803 EL2 .S211l 803